Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Haters and Associaters

The saying "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me," is such a joke. Words to most of us, hurt much more than physical assault. And then there are those people, who claim to be your friend and then talk shit about you with your haters just so they don't sound queer. True friends? My ass. There's haters, and their associaters. Unless you're lucky enough to have golden friends who always stick by you. And by always, I mean all the time whether you're there or not. Unfortunatley, I don't have one of those. Hopefully I will in high school.

The thing that really pisses me off though, is how shallow people can be. Who cares if someone is ugly, has acne, has big ears, a big nose, e.t.c I hate when people make fun of others, when they're not perfect either. Everyone is flawed, and that's what makes all of us beautiful things.

So to all of you who know what I'm talking about. It's time we told the haters, to fuck off. Because really, they're not perfect either.

And it's time to kiss those mofo associaters goodbye, because all they are is scared cowards.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The End of The Beginning

Once past a certain point of importance in life, one feels excited yet scared. As Nino Rota sang, a rose will bloom. Well now, it's time for me to bloom. I'm going to a school. This school has caused misfortune to many teenagers living on Earth. This school, is called High School. It's funny how the level of schooling before this is "elementary" when us children tend to be a bit more mature in our younger years. Well, in most cases anyways. Continuing on, I will miss certain people and am happy that I don't have to see some people. Lets face it, there's no way you're going to like everyone you meet. But what scares me, is the sick world that lives in high schools. Labels, cliques, whores, e.t.c. When what's most important is getting good grades, our paths are blocked by ...wait for it.... DRAMA! And so now, my greatest fear is;
